Scientific Publication List

H index: 5

Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts

  1. Louth, E. L., Jorgensen, R. L., Korshoj, A. R., Sorensen, J. C. H., & Capogna, M. (2020). Dopaminergic neuromodulation of spike timing dependent plasticity in mature adult rodent and human cortical neurons. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience.
  2. Yuste, Rafael, et al. (71 authors) (2020).  A community-based transcriptomics classification and nomenclature of neocortical cell types. Nature Neuroscience 1-13.
  3. Hodges, T. E., Louth, E. L., Bailey, C. D., & McCormick, C. M. (2019). Adolescent social instability stress alters markers of synaptic plasticity and dendritic structure in the medial amygdala and lateral septum in male rats. Brain Structure and Function, 224(2), 643-659.
  4. Duong, A. T., Reitz, C. J., Louth, E. L., Creighton, S. D., Rasouli, M., Zwaiman, A., … & Martino, T. A. (2019). The Clock Mechanism Influences Neurobiology and Adaptations to Heart Failure in Clock∆ 19/∆ 19 Mice With Implications for Circadian Medicine. Scientific reports, 9(1), 4994.
  5. Louth, E. L., Luctkar, H. D., Heney, K. A., & Bailey, C. D. (2018). Developmental ethanol exposure alters the morphology of mouse prefrontal neurons in a layer-specific manner. Brain research, 1678, 94-105.
  6. Louth, E. L., Mendell, A., MacLusky, N., Bailey, C.D.C. (2017) Imaging neurons within thick brain sections using the Golgi-Cox method. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) (122), e55358-e55358.
  7. Louth, E.L., Bignell, W., Taylor, C.L., Bailey, C.D.C. (2016) Developmental ethanol treatment leads to long-term deficits in attention circuitry and behaviour in male mice. eNeuro, 3(5), ENEURO-0267.

Conference Presentations

Oral Presentations and Invited Talks

  1. Louth, E.L. (May 21 2018) The effect of dopamine on spike timing-dependent plasticity in the human cortex. Human cortical neurons workshop. Department of Pharmacology Oxford University. 
  2. Louth, E.L., Capogna, M. (originally scheduled for 2020, postponed to 2022). Dopaminergic neuromodulation of spike timing dependent plasticity in adult mouse and human cortical neurons. Dopamine Society Conference, Montreal QC, Canada.
  3. Louth, E.L., Capogna, M. (2019). Dopaminergic neuromodulation of spike timing dependent plasticity in human cortical neurons. Proteins and Circuits in Memory Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  4. Louth, E.L., Sutton, C.D., Spatafora, L.K., Bailey C.D.C. (2017) Developmental ethanol exposure and the prefrontal cortex: Near-term effects on layer VI pyramidal neuron morphology and physiology. Neuroscience Day, University of Guelph, Guelph ON, Canada.
  5. Louth, E.L. (2016) Attention Deficits Associated with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Three-Minute Thesis, University of Guelph, Guelph ON, Canada. University Level Runner-up.
  6. Louth, E.L., Luctkar, H.D., Bailey C.D.C. (2016) Developmental ethanol exposure leads to long-term alterations in layer VI medial prefrontal cortex neuron morphology in male mice. OVC Graduate Student Research Symposium, University of Guelph, Guelph ON, Canada.
  7. Louth, E.L. and Bailey, C.D.C (2014) Developing a Novel Mouse Model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Seminar. Neuroscience Day, University of Guelph, Guelph ON, Canada.

Poster Presentations (presenting author marked with *)

  1. Louth, E.L.*, Capogna, M. (2018) Spike timing dependent plasticity in human cortical neurons. The Necessity of Cell Types for Brain Function, FENS/Lundbeck brain conference. Copenhagen, Denmark.
  2. Louth, E.L., Sutton, C.D., Spatafora, L.K., Kupka, C.F.,Bailey C.D.C.* (2017) Developmental ethanol exposure and prefrontal layer VI neurons: near-term effects on neuron structure and function. Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., USA
  3. Louth, E.L.*, Sutton, C.D., Spatafora, L.K.,Bailey C.D.C. (2017) Effects of developmental ethanol exposure on the physiology and morphology of medial prefrontal layer VI neurons in young postnatal and adolescent mice. Canadian Association for Neuroscience, Montreal QC, Canada.
  4. Louth, E.L.*, Sutton, C.D., Spatafora, L.K., Bailey C.D.C. (2017) Physiological and morphological consequences of developmental ethanol exposure on prefrontal layer VI neurons of young postnatalmice. Southern Ontario Neuroscience Association, Brock University, St. Catherines ON, Canada.
  5. Duong, A.T.H.*, Reitz, C.J., Louth, E.L., Creighton, S.D., Winters, B.D., Martino, T.A., Bailey, C.D.C. (2017) Disrupting the Critical Circadian Regulator CLOCK Alters Prefrontal Neuron Morphology, Learning and Memory, and Response to Myocardial Infarction. Southern Ontario Neuroscience Association, Brock University, St. Catherines ON, Canada.
  6. Duong, A.T.H.*, Reitz, C.J., Louth, E.L., Creighton, S.D., Winters, B.D., Bailey, C.D.C., Martino, T.A. (2017) The role of the circadian system in neuron morphology and behavioural responses following myocardial infarction. The Third Conference of the Canadian Society for Chronobiology, York University, Toronto ON, Canada.
  7. Louth, E.L.*, Luctkar, H.D, Heney, K., Bailey, C.D.C. (2016) Developmental ethanol exposure alters the morphology of medial prefrontal cortex neurons. Southern Ontario Neuroscience Association, University of Waterloo ON, Canada.
  8. Louth, E.L.*, Luctkar, H.D, Heney, K., Bailey, C.D.C. (2016) Long-term consequences of developmental ethanol exposure: assessment of neuronal morphology within the mouse medial prefrontal cortex. Neuroscience Day, University of Guelph, Guelph ON, Canada.
  9. Louth, E.L.*, Bignell, W., Taylor, C.L., Bailey, C.D.C. (2015) Developmental Ethanol Exposure Disrupts Attention Performance and Prefrontal Neuron Function in Male Mice. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago IL, USA
  10. Louth, E.L.*, Bignell, W., Taylor, C.L., Bailey, C.D.C. (2015) Assessment of attention behaviour and cholinergic signaling in male mice following developmental ethanol exposure. Canadian Association for Neuroscience, Vancouver BC, Canada.                                                       
  11. Louth, E.L.*, Bignell, W., Taylor, C.L., Bailey, C.D.C. (2015) Long-term neurocognitive consequences of developmental ethanol exposure: assessment of attention behaviour and neuronal function in male mice. Southern Ontario Neuroscience Association, McMaster University, Hamilton ON, Canada.                           

Teaching Seminars/Workshops

  1. Louth E.L. (Jan 2020) Two-photon calcium imaging in acute brain slices. The monthly electrophysiology workshop, Aarhus University.
  2. Louth E.L. (Sept 2019) What is in your electrophysiology solutions? The monthly electrophysiology workshop, Aarhus University.
  3. Louth, E.L. (March 2017) Working through student conflicts. One-hour workshop for teaching assistants. Part of the Graduate Student Teaching Development Program.
  4. Louth, E.L. (March 2017) Pathways to teaching experience. One-hour workshop for teaching assistants. Part of the Graduate Student Teaching Development Program.