Public Seminars and Outreach

Latest Seminars and Outreach

Lyt til Brinkmanns Briks hvor jeg er gæst. Vi snakker om Opmærksomhed og teknologi.

Here is where you can join me for a talk about neuroscience. I am also available for private seminars with your company or group.



January 23rd 2024 – Læs dybt! i København

January 29th 2024 – Opmærksomhed på Gimsing Sognehøjskole i Struer

January 31st 2024 – Har du (også) mistet din fordybelse? i Aalborg

October 11th – Opmærksomhed i Kolding

November 1st 2023 – Opmærksomhed Herning

September 22nd 2023 – Hearts & Minds Festival (Aarhus) – Opmærksomhed og hvorfor den er så svær at fastholde

March 1st 2023 – Dokk1, Aarhus – Folkeuniversitet Det gode selskab – seks gode pauser

March 2nd 2023 – Sønderborg Bibliotek – Opmærksomhed

March 8th 2023 – Kulturhuset Islands Brygge, København – Folkeuniversitet Det gode selskab – seks veje til det gode liv

September 22nd 2022 – Svendborg Bibliotek: Bliv klog på en time: Opmærksomhed

July 30th, 2022 – Tænkepauser på Krogerup

February 8th, 2022 – Oasecafé Middelfart Bibliotek

November 23rd 2021 Louisiana Live – Opmærksomhed Biomedicineren Emma Louise Louth har i den populære bogserie Tænkepauser netop forsøgt at nærme sig fænomenet opmærksomhed fra et videnskabeligt perspektiv. Medieekspert Camilla Mehlsen og filosoffen Vincent F. Hendricks har i bogen Sandhedsministeriet undersøgt, hvordan de store techgiganter systematisk prøver at kapre ikke blot vores bevågenhed, men også den demokratiske samtale. Den unge forfatter Rakel Haslund-Gjerrild, der netop har modtaget Michael Strunge-prisen for sin roman Alle himlens fugle, kæmper for litteraturens frirum og fordybelse – både hos sig selv og sine læsere. Mød alle fire til en samtale om ét af tidens måske mest kostbare goder.

Book Tour: October 2021 – Tænkepauser Live

Locations: Nørrebro Teater (October 4th), Odense Teater (October 7th), Aarhus Teater (October 14th)

Sebastian Dorset hosts when science takes over the theater. Meet leading researchers and get smarter when books turn into monologues and come under loving care in a different and lively talk show. See more info here.

April 2021 – Book a Researcher

I was fortunate to be able to give five presentations during this week for Book a Scientist, to gymnasium students, university students, doctors, researchers and the ADHD forening.

What is attention? We use it everyday. Our attention can be grabbed by a colourful advertisement, it can be focussed on work or maybe it can even be divided between two things. However, are all of these the same type of attention? Do they use the same areas of the brain? We explore the different types of attention and how you use them in everyday life. Plus, I give a few tips on how to better focus your attention at work and school.

April 2020 – Festival of Research (Virtual presentation)

Please find below a short video where I describe my work at Aarhus University comparing the human and mouse brain. This video was created during the 2020 lockdown as the Festival of Research was turned into a virtual event.

For more information on the Festival of Research in Denmark click here.